Clubs & Activities

We like to see every student get involved in at least one club or activity. While this is not required, it is a great way to connect with peers and staff while having fun. All of our clubs and activities meet Tuesdays during Advisement. If there is a club you would like to start, all you need to do is fine a staff member who is willing to be the sponsor and then talk with Assistant Principal Ms. Roberts. 

23-24 Club Offerings 

Art Club
Basketball Club
Board Game Club
Builder's Club
Care/Hearts Club
Chalk Art Club
Chess Club
Cosplay Club
Craft Club
Environment Leadership Club
Gamer's Club
GSA (Gender Sexualities Alliance)
Jazz Band
"Let's Get Quizzical"
Lit Magazine
Nature Club
Running Club
Science Fair Club
Sports Club (team 1)
Sports Club (team 2)
Yarn Club
Yoga Club

22-23 Club Offerings 

Sponsor(s) Meeting Time Location  Description
Art Behounek Thursdays
Rm 155 Art Club is a social club for those that enjoy making art. There are not projects or requirements, just a shared love and passion for making things. 
 Builder's Gittelman First Tuesday of the Month Rm 123  Builder's Club is a service club where students work together to improve our school and community. 
Book   Nickoloff First Thursday of the Month
LLC  Come talk about books and connect with others!
Chess  Mesec Tuesdays
 Rm 119 Come learn how to play chess and use new strategies!  
Craft   Nickoloff  2nd Thursday of the Month
LLC  Students create beautiful crafts with friends. 
Creative Writing   Turner/Brasher  First & Third Tuesdays of the Month

Rm 142 
This blub is for students who want to explore different genres of writing in a community that loves to use words to create worlds and learn more about the craft of writing. 
GSA  Christian/Herring Once a month 
Rm 139 Genders and Sexualities Alliance is a club that is a safe space for LGBTQ students and allies to gather.
 Literary Magazine Christian  Second and Fourth Monday of the Month Rm 127  The Literary Magazine will be 100% student created. All staff will be students, and all submissions will be from KCMS students. We will aim to electronically publish one magazine a month. 
Rubik's Cube Solvers Williams Every other Tuesday
Rm 196 Students can come practice Rubik's Cube solving strategies and play other games. Please bring your own cube.
 Woodworking  Chiavini Thursdays
Rm  172 This club is offered to all students whether or not you've had the chance to take pre-engineering. We will learn the basic hand an power skills while making projects for other school departments and some small projects for individual students. If you have a passion for working with your hands, then this club is for you!  
Yarn   Johnson Thursdays
Rm 198  Want to learn how to knit or crochet? Already know how? Join us to work on yarn crafts together. No experience needed. Choose your project: stuffed animals, pot holders, coasters, scarves, or hats.  
 Yoga  Brytowski First Monday of the Month Rm 129 Come practice yoga with friends.  

21-22 Club Offerings 

Sponsor(s) Meeting Time Location  Description
3D Design and Printing   Nickoloff 2:15-3:00  LLC  Learn  how to design 3D objects, and then watch those objects come to life.
Art   Behounek TBD Rm 155  Art Club is a self-guided social club where students come together to play with art materials and experiment with new ideas. There is no curriculum and students can choose what they would like to work on. 
Builder's   Hynes First Thursday of the month
Rm 123 Builder's Club is a service club where students work together to improve out school and community.
Crafting   Nickoloff 2:15-3:00  LLC Students create beautiful crafts with friends.  
FLE  Bradley/McFadden/
 2:15-3:00  Rm 146 The Future Leaders of Enterprize is a club put on by the CTE teachers at KCMS which will enhance learning through contextual instruction, leadership, and personal development through applied learning and real-world application. Come to our first meeting on August 30, 2021.
GSA Network  Weller/Christian Starts Sept. 13

Rm 190  Gender and Sexuality Alliance clubs, or GSA for short, are student-run organizations that unite LGBTQ+ and allied youth to build community and organize issues impacting them in their schools and communities. GSAs have evolved beyond their traditional role to serve as a safe space for LGBTQ+ youth in middle schools and high schools, and have emerged as vehicles for deep social change related to racial, gender, and educational justice.
H.E.A.R.T  Odle, Brasher, Shomaker Every 2nd/4th Wednesday of the month starting
Sept. 22

Rm 139 We are the Humanity, Environment, and Respect Team! This club focuses on things that come from our love for the people and places in our community and the world. Inspired by student impact projects las spring, we will be taking taking a look at the way Ken Caryl and Jeffco take on environmental issues (like recycling and plastic waste), humanitarian issues (such as helping the elderly and our fellow neighbors), and finally the respect for out school and community issues (like graffiti and trash). 

If you would like to be a part of something bigger trash yourself and make a HEART-felt impact, this is the club for you!
Jazz Band Wahl Thursdays
Band Room Open to all KCMS students.  
 Knitting Johnson TBD  Rm 129 Students will learn how to knit and crochet. Some items made during this club will be wash cloths, scarves, and even stuffed animals. 
 Lit Magazine Christian Wednesdays 
Rm 127 Join the first ever Lit Magazine Team! The KCMS Literacy Magazine is a publication devoted to all creative writers and artists within the school. Students can show off their poetry, short stories, and artwork in a professional-style school magazine. We also offer writing an poetry contests to get all students and faculty involved. Join us for an informational meeting on September 22! 

 Musical  Merino TBD Rm 167  Join this club if you are interested in being apart of the KCMS Musical. Rehearsals will start at the beginning of October. Stay tuned for more details.
Washington D.C. Trip  Weber Summer 2022   Join Mr. Weber Wednesday, September 8, at 6pm in the KCMS Commons for an informational meeting on the Washington DC Trip this coming June 2022. 
Woodworking  Chiavini TBD Rm 170 This club is offered to all students whether or not you've had the chance to take pre-engineering. We will learn the basic hand an power skills while making projects for other school departments and some small projects for individual students. This club will not be offered until 2nd trimester, If you have a passion for working with your hands, then this club is for you! 

Middle School Sports Program

Foothills Parks and Recreation District offers Middle School Sports in the Jeffco League at KCMS. 

Fall Sports Offerings:

  • Coed Flag Football
  • Cross Country
  • Coed Volleyball
Winter Sports Offerings:
  • Girls' Basketball
  • Boys' Basketball 
  • Coed Track and Field 
For more information, including how to register, click here.
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